Eunice e Ruy


Eunice Muñoz and Ruy de Carvalho together in a unique documentary that takes us on a journey to the origins of theater and simultaneously to the roots of two actors with almost a century of career and great work side by side.

Viagem ao Princípio

Starring Eunice Muñoz and Ruy de Carvalho, this is a singular documentary.

Filmed on historical stages such as the Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, the Trindade and the Teatro Romano de Mérida, or in the intimacy of the dressing rooms and homes of the actors themselves, “Viagem ao Princípio” presents Eunice and Ruy in a scene against themselves, literally and metaphorically.

There are individual testimonies about each of these giants, but the enticement we propose is one last adventure side by side, two sacred monsters together, once again on stage and in life. A denial of the academic biopic through the crossing of stories of the two old companions and friends in a final narrative, a last challenge, an adventure for two, a return to the beginning of everything.

Imagining Eunice and Ruy together on the giant deserted stages that survived from antiquity allows us to understand the immortal anthology images waiting for us. The letters they exchange with each other, staging reality, give us insight into their extraordinary journey.urso.

Ficha Técnica

RTP Archive
Maria de Fátima Ribeiro

Delegate Producer RTP
Rui Madruga

Original Idea
Luís Hipólito

Luís Filipe Borges
Luís Hipólito
Ricardo Clara Couto

Clara Amarela Films

Ricardo Clara Couto

Luís Filipe Borges

Eunice Muñoz
Ruy de Carvalho
Voice Off

Henrique de Carvalho
Lidia Muñoz
Paula de Carvalho
João de Carvalho

Financial Director
Mónica Reis de Castro

Executive Producer
Luís Hipólito

Débora Grilo Esteves
Mafalda Amâncio
Maria Valverde

Fátima Morais
Luís Filipe Borges
Luís Hipólito
Maria Valverde

Make-Up and Hair
Diana Pinto Correia

João Carneiro, David Francisco

Lighting Assistant
Daniel Nicolau, Pedro Mineiro

Image Assistant
Carlos Góis

Daniel Nicolau
João Pinto

João Ramos
Mérida Technical Team

David Francisco

Head of Production
Luís Hipólito

Maria Valverde

Fátima Morais

João Carneiro

Image Assistant
João Ramos


Catarina silva

Make-Up and Hair
Juanjo Grajera

Maria Inês Carrola, Ricardo Clara Couto

Motion Artists
Beatriz Lopes
Maria Inês Carrola
Paulo Lopes
Pedro Figueiredo

José Rebelo

Audiovisual Technical Means

Sérgio Pontes Audiovisuals

With the participation of
Henrique de Carvalho
João de Carvalho
Lídia Munoz
Paula de Carvalho

Catarina Silva
Hugo Miguel Martins

Audio Post Production
Le Bastardo

Sound Design
Le Bastardo

General Music
Le Bastardo

Johny Greenwood, House of Woodcock
Nils Frahm, A Walking Embrace
Dario Marianelli, Arrival to Netherfield
Jon Hopkins, We Disappear Immunity
Goldmund, The Wind Wings
Jacques Brel, Il Nous Faut Regarder


Natália Correia
Complaint of the Censored Young Souls

Archival Images:
A Aposta
A Casa do Lago
A Dama das Camélias
A Lareira está acesa
A Primeira Vista
Alves e Ca
As Troianas
Auto da Visitação ou Monólogo do Vaqueiro
Brincadeiras com gente crescida
Diálogo com a vida
Mãe Coragem
Noite de Reis
O Diário
O Grande Combate
O Pacto
O Pensamento
Passa Por mim Rossio
Ruy de Carvalho, o actor
Um dia com… Eunice Muñoz
Um dia com… Ruy de Carvalho
Um por todos

Thanks to
Eunice Muñoz
Ruy de Carvalho
Paula de Carvalho
Lídia Muñoz
Susana Muñoz Cabral de Mello
António Muñoz
João de Carvalho
Henrique de Carvalho

Helena Paiva
Cláudia de Vasconcelos
João Ricardo Mendes
Maria João Rodil
Daniela Serra
Roberto Ballestros


Teatro da Trindade
Diogo Infante
Maria Carneiro
Nuno Pereira
Vítor Albuquerque

Dona Maria II National Theatre
Tiago Rodrigues
Ana Pinto Gonçalves

El Cortes Inglês
Susana Santos
Cláudio Carvalho
Pedro Abrantes Guedes

Oeiras City Council
Isaltino Morais
Alexandra José Canelas

Consorcio Ciudad Monumental de Mérida
Félix Palma Garcia
Elias Barroso Diaz